Week 8 Homework -- Dec 6, 2011 see images: 08week_HW_Q*.jpg HW8Q1 State Space Question what is the dimension of the state space of a dynamic system using a soccer ball which is rotationally invarient -- he really doesn't care about the absolute orientation of the ball but it might still have spin. kinematic state of ball (in a two dimensional ground plane) on the ground: 2 -- just like car on ground but without heading -- (might, or not, add another dimension) in mid air: 3 -- still just positon, without heading -- dynamic state of ball (ignoring spin, just velocities, as a person far away would observe them) on the ground: 4 -- just like car moving on ground, now has velocity, heading, and yaw = 5 *****>>> OR could just have x,y velocities??? = 4 -- in mid air: 6 -- 3 positions and a velocity in each direction -- dynamic state of ball including spin in mid air: 9 !!!NOT=12!!! (tricky question...not surprised if we fail) -- now the same as helicopter, 3 positons, 3 axis rotations, and velocity for each position and rotation -- ( but not the same as heli because we have no absolute orientation for each spin direction, just velocities so 3 xyz, 3 dxdydz, and 3 d-spin... I guess you could get this from the same logic as reducing 2d kinematic from 3 to 2 because there is no heading...) HW8Q2 Dynamic Programming Question 1 a robot with three cooridinates x,y,theta target location is in the top right corner, facing East initial location is in the bottom left corner, facing North goal is worth 100 going straight costs -1 can turn on the spot at cost of -5 what is the value of the start state?: 88 7 moves @ -1 = -7 1 turn @ -5 = -5 total = -12 + 100 = 88 HW8Q3 Dynamic Programming Question 2 in same system as Q2 except turn clockwise costs -10 and counter-clockwise costs 0 what is the value of the start state?: 93 go along the bottom by turning ccw 6 times or along the top and turn CCW 3 times... 7 moves @ -1 = -7 3 turn @ 0 = 0 total = -7 + 100 = 93 HW8Q4 Particle Question 1 particle filter question a single particle in checkerboard space as shown, facing East with x, y, and theta (heading) cooridinates draw 5 new particles from this particle for the motion of going right as shown with red dots each new particle will obtain an importance weight as now the robot measured a black square -- Measurement = Black where the prob of seeing Black on a black square -- P(B | blackSq) = 0.8 and the prob of seeing Black on a white square -- P(B | whiteSq) = 0.1 what are the total importance weights for particles in each square (add the importance weight of particles in same square) a2 = .0526 P(B|w) = .1 b2 = .8421 P(B|b) = .8 P(B|b) = .8 c2 = .0526 P(B|w) = .1 b3 = .0526 P(B|w) = .1 total = 1.9 HW8Q5 Particle Question 2 using the same layout as before (but somehow 4x4 now instead of 3x3...) in resampling on the next motion step lets assume the three (black) particles are used but ignoring the others the used ones are: two particles in b2 and one in c2 they move right and get 5 new (red) particles using the same probabilities as before we measure a White square what are the cumulative importance weights for the new squares: b3 = .5806 (two particles in white square) P(W|w) = .9 P(W|w) = .9 b4 = .1290 (two particles in black square) P(W|b) = .2 P(W|b) = .2 c4 = .2903 (one particle in white square) P(W|w) = .9 total = 3.1 HW8Q6 Stanley Question our robot Stanley performed as follows in the DARPA Challenge in 2005... first -- YAY!!! second third forth or below HW8Q7 Motion Model Question approximate motion model for this robot use the equations given even though you might be suspicious of it's accuracy where h = theta, w = omega x' = x + v*dt*cos(h) y' = y + v*dt*sin(h) h' = h + w*dt at time t=0 the corridinates are x=0, y=0, h=0 dt = 4, v = 10, w = pi/8 (or 22.5 degrees) run the update every 4 timesteps, what will the postion be after 4 updates, or 16 total time steps (...schip notes that the angle changes on each update ( so can't just do all 16 in one swoop...) x = 0 y = 0 h = 0