Menage a la Schip


Cyborg Photo Album

Barbara Barbara up near Napa after some (more) red wine.
The company was paying.

Brooke Brooke on the prowl at
Johanna's trophy-wife-show opening.

BnD Brooke and Deanna home on the farm.
Actually just above the farm to be accurate.

Bruce and Noah Bruce and Noah at South of the Border.
They didn't take me along, and Noah is grown up now...

Bruce and Teresa Bruce and Teresa at a Christmas party...
I think.

Bux and Danielle Bux and Danielle taking the last steps
after selling their first house.

Craig Craig doing his Gauguin imitation while
visiting promising open studios of
the young and beautiful.

Danny Danny enjoying a Thai Lunch.
At least I think he's enjoying it.

Deanna Deanna, armed, ready, and taking no prisoners.
At least not very far.

Dot Dot under her skylight at night.
If I could get a better picture I would use it,
but you know what happens to the photographer...
No one knows what they look like.

Eduardo Eduardo brushing up on his dance moves.

Erika Ika (chose one):
1) Reliving a past life;
2) Having an out of mind experience;
3) Starting a whole chain of events;

Jay Jay at one of his infrequent appearances.
Not in New York and loving it.

Jean and Kenneth Jean and Kenneth waiting for me to focus the
automatic camera outside the Yerba Buena Art Center.

Joe Joe, apparently relaxed.
Because he's not in NYC either...

Judith Judith at work.
She works at home now, so we NEVER see her anymore.

Katch Dancing Kenneth, Johanna, and Leticia
Cutting up the carpet at Barb's.

Kmarx The lost Marx brother
finding himself.
I do have a better, more embarassing, picture of Ken
but I can't find it.

Mark D Mark the D getting ready
for a night on the town.

Mark and Katch Mark and Kenneth experiencing a night on the town.

Mark & Jean Mark and Jean.
Ready for lunch.

Nico Nico in a typical pose.

Rindi Rindi in a typical pose, too.

Robin Robin vamping for our photographer.
What a Babe II, eh?.

Sally & Matt Sally, Matt and some interloper up in Camp Meeker.
They were planning their restaurant
and I was on the Easter Ride.

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